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Whole-Home Solutions With a Big-Picture Impact
Whole-Home Solutions With a Big-Picture Impact

Orbit Energy & Power is a whole-home solutions company providing a list of home improvement and efficiency services with a vision for a cleaner future extending well beyond solar energy.

It’s a family-owned company that fosters a sense of familial warmth among its staff. It’s a team of environmental stewards advocating for green energy and smarter homes. It helps homeowners increase their property value, achieve a healthier lifestyle, minimize their carbon footprint and enjoy the monetary savings of a more efficient property.

“We do offer a list of other services beyond solar: water treatment, landscaping, roofing—and most importantly, battery storage, like EV [electric vehicle] charging,” says Vice President of Marketing Jaime Laviena. “From a home-solutions perspective, we’re effectively empowered to build a smart home for a customer, get that customer off the grid and make them self-sustaining.”

And it’s all built on a four-cornered foundation of integrity, passion, accountability and commitment that embodies the company’s tagline: “Your Whole-Home Solutions Provider for Life!”

“That all starts with building a team of industry experts that are both extremely knowledgeable and passionate about our service offerings—90% of the people who work for Orbit do so because they believe in the cause, they believe in saving the planet and rectifying what’s been done to it over the last few decades,” Laviena notes, adding how that organic, self-motivated drive helps the Orbit team stay focused on the bigger picture to make the most impactful changes.

“The investment we make in our team scales out to our customers,” he continues. “It starts at home. When you invest in a team that believes in a service or a product offering, you have people that are educating more than they’re selling. We have crew members and operational team members that are educating while they’re executing: They’re showing people what they’re doing, why they’re doing it, how it’s going to impact the local community.”

Orbit’s staff shares their enthusiasm for the company’s collective cause not only with clients but also the greater community. Laviena explains how the Community Day currently being planned for Mantua Township, New Jersey—home of Orbit’s headquarters—is a day of family-friendly fun with food, games and togetherness with “no obligation, no return, it’s just us giving back,” and something Orbit does for every one of its operational territories.

Beyond its Community Day festivities, Orbit has a suite of philanthropic efforts it both champions and supports. In addition to donating 2% of its annual sales to the St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Orbit also sponsors youth athletic teams and school theater programs, partners with other entities to maximize their charitable impact and advises others organizations on ways to successfully spearhead their own fundraisers.

It is, after all, about making the biggest impact possible. Whether it’s by giving back to the community, planting native saplings to replace any trees removed for solar-panel obstruction through donations to the National Forest Fund, or helping one homeowner at a time lead a healthier life with water treatments by “removing all those harsh chemicals that are slowly killing us every day” from their tap water, Orbit walks the walk when it comes to thinking globally by acting locally.

“Every job that we install lends to a bucket of investments that goes back to a community,” Laviena says. “A piece of every project goes back into its community base.”

Replacing home energy systems with solar panels remains the company’s bread and butter, and making that type of clean, green energy available to anyone who wants to make the switch is monumentally important to Orbit.

“The most important thing for people to know when considering going solar with Orbit is affordability,” says Laviena. “The biggest concern about converting to solar is that it’s not affordable, but we make it as affordable and easy for a customer. Investing in solar empowers you to have ownership of your energy and lower your utility bill—rather than paying a large and often unpredictable monthly electricity bill. You also get to benefit from all of the incentives made available to homeowners, whether it be the 26% federal tax credit for every new solar customer or varying state-based incentives and promotions.”

Just like Orbit can offer whole-home solutions for every property, Laviena emphasizes that it similarly finds a way to work with every potential customer in any of the states it serves.

“We work with clients from all walks of life,” he says. “There’s not an instance where we turn a customer away. If there’s an issue or a reason why the client might be held up, we always find a solution. And that’s a promise: There’s always a way to push the client forward.”

And Laviena, like his Orbit family, is thrilled to be part of a team that’s helping their neighbors achieve energy independence while lowering carbon emissions in today’s pursuit of a cleaner future and fostering community unity along the way.

Orbit Energy & Power
570 Mantua Blvd., Sewell, N.J.
(800) 836-3987

Published (and copyrighted) in House & Home, Volume 22, Issue 10 (July/August 2022). 
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