Del Val Pools & Spas

Expertise: Gunite Pools
Bryan Hull, partner
With more than three decades of experience and three locations, the family-owned and –operated Del Val Pools & Spas has been a trusted name in South Jersey for custom designs and installation, consistent service and seasonal pool openings and closings.
As the second-generation at Del Val, partner Bryan Hull thought he had seen it all—until the pandemic completely transformed the industry and created a surge of new construction never seen before.
“The entire industry has changed since COVID. People took a hard look at their backyards and the term ‘staycation’ became mainstream,” Hull says. “We have seen a huge increase in demands for custom pools in the past few years—and design is everything. Gone are the days of the fenced-in rectangular pool surrounded by a concrete slab. People want a pool to integrate into a backyard design that promotes a family get-together lifestyle.”
House & Home spoke to Hull to learn more about their custom pool capabilities and how his company brings clients’ dreams to fruition.
Costs seem to be spiraling out of control on everything from a gallon of gas to a loaf of bread. How are you keeping your costs down?
With the third generation coming through the ranks at Del Val Pools & Spas, I can say we saw this coming. We buy supplies and materials in bulk and a year in advance at a minimum. With three locations, we have plenty of storage so the monthly gyrations of related industries do not affect us. Also, simply put, after decades of building pools, we know how to do this, and we know how to do it well. Efficiency and experience allow us to have a very sharp pencil when bidding on a new project.
Most contractors seem to be months out before being able to schedule. How are you controlling your schedules and doing constant on time completions?
We don’t subcontract out our work. From the excavation, to the spraying of gunite, to the plastering, it’s all Del Val. That way we are never vulnerable to another company’s delays. We control our schedules because we own all of our equipment, and our schedulers are masters at their tasks.
Del Val is known for custom gunite pools. Hands down, you are the leader. Why?
Over the years, the cost difference between pools with liners and custom gunite has been closing. With gunite, one gets a fully custom pool that integrates into their backyard. That’s the market where we wanted to be. We are designers, and we recognize each job is unique and reflects a dream and vision of the homeowner. I think we do it better than anyone else. It’s a different engineering mindset—it’s a totally different process. We build more gunite pools than anyone because we have the experience.
You have created quite a niche market at the Shore, building intricate pools in tight footprints. Do you see demand for pools continuing to increase at the Shore?
Absolutely. It’s the new standard. Ask any realtor or any builder. Last winter, we were asked to speak to a group of realtors about constructing pools on the coastal islands. It’s a specialty for sure. Pools at the Shore are very custom and frequently are integrated into the piling structure of the home. Plus, you never know what one will find under the sand. Much of the bayside and ocean front are various forms of “fill” depending on when the land was developed. It’s an art form building at the Shore, and it’s where we get to showcase our work since homes are closer together. Sometimes we start a project and find ourselves still constructing pools on the same street a year later. It’s a combination of word of mouth and line of sight. I don’t see it stopping.
Del Val Pools & Spas
Locations in Turnersville, Mantua and Elmer, N.J.
(888) 223-1327
Published (and copyrighted) in House & Home, Volume 23, Issue 1 (October 2022).
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